Shoulder pain is now present in many people and has therefore developed into a widespread condition. The most common shoulder disorder is the so-called impingement syndrome.
People who frequently perform overhead tasks in their profession, such as painters, or athletes who engage in arm-intensive sports like handball, may sooner or later be affected by impingement syndrome. But other individuals who move heavy loads with their arms over the years can also eventually develop impingement syndrome.
Symptoms of impingement syndrome can include shoulder pain that worsens when lifting the arm or during overhead movements. There may be nighttime pain that makes it difficult to sleep on the affected side. Additionally, sufferers may experience limited range of motion and a feeling of stiffness in the shoulder. In advanced cases, persistent pain and muscle atrophy are possible.
If you notice such symptoms in yourself, an impingement syndrome could be the cause. In our practice in Düsseldorf, we specialize in such complaints and can offer you professional help. Do not hesitate to visit us – we are here to help you.
Different causes are responsible for the development of an impingement syndrome. There is already a certain anatomical narrowness between the head of the humerus and the acromion, which is further exacerbated by wear and constant tendon irritation. This leads to compression of the tendons and the bursa located under the acromion. As a result, the already narrow gliding space is rendered non-functional, and there is even a risk of tendon rupture if the irritation of the shoulder joint persists.
The chances of recovery from this disease are high, especially with early treatment. After a thorough examination of your shoulder by your Düsseldorf orthopedist using X-rays, ultrasound, and MRI, various effective therapy options are available. These include medications, physiotherapy, and advanced techniques such as shock wave therapy and high-energy induction therapy. In certain cases, arthroscopy may also be advisable.
If the impingement syndrome has reached an advanced stage or if bony changes in the form of bone spurs occur, surgery may become necessary. In such cases, we routinely perform a minimally invasive arthroscopy, a method with which we have a lot of experience.
Only two to three small incisions are required for the procedure. Through the first incision, we insert a small camera, and with the others, we expand the space under the shoulder roof. This is achieved by removing the thickened and inflamed bursa and shaving off excess bony structures. Over the next few weeks, a new, healthy gliding layer forms, and the shoulder joint becomes pain-free again.
Thanks to our experience and routine execution, this shoulder surgery is very successful and associated with minimal risk. It can be performed on an outpatient basis. After the procedure, it is important to start gentle physiotherapy from the first day. This will be continued for several weeks and serves to strengthen the muscles and restore the natural mobility of the shoulder joint.
We are experts in the treatment of shoulder impingement syndrome. The diagnosis and treatment of an impingement syndrome should always be carried out by an experienced specialist. In our practice, we are also specifically equipped with a lot of experience to treat patients with impingement syndrome in Düsseldorf.