Treatment of Ankle Osteoarthritis in Düsseldorf

Ankle osteoarthritis is relatively rare, even though the ankle bears a lot of weight and is frequently injured. However, if there is wear and tear on this joint, it leads to increasing pain as the osteoarthritis progresses. Initially, there are no noticeable symptoms. Gradually, pain during exertion occurs, and eventually, the pain is felt even at rest. Mobility becomes increasingly impaired until, in the worst case, joint stiffness sets in.

Causes of Ankle Osteoarthritis

In most cases, such osteoarthritis is due to a past injury, such as an ankle fracture or ligament damage from twisting. However, inflammatory-rheumatic diseases and infections can also be responsible for ankle osteoarthritis. This is referred to as secondary osteoarthritis. Primary osteoarthritis occurs spontaneously, without any identifiable trigger or clear cause.

Symptoms of Ankle Osteoarthritis

In the early stages, ankle osteoarthritis in Düsseldorf initially progresses unnoticed or with only slight swelling and occasional pain. This only happens when the joint is under greater stress and is not felt at rest. However, as osteoarthritis progresses, cartilage reduction occurs due to stress and friction. The pain increases and restricts the patient's mobility. This can eventually lead not only to stiffness but also to a limping gait, as the patient tries to relieve the joint while walking.

Treatment of Ankle Osteoarthritis

Treatment of Ankle Osteoarthritis

The goal of treatment is to alleviate pain and cure the condition; at the very least, to slow the progression of osteoarthritis. Normally, your orthopedist in Düsseldorf can achieve this through conservative methods. The following measures or therapy components are available and are usually used in combination:

  • complete immobilization for a certain period
  • orthopedic tapes and bandages
  • physiotherapeutic applications
  • cartilage-building and protective medications
  • cortisone injections near the affected area
  • supportive orthopedic devices
Surgery for Ankle Osteoarthritis

Surgery for Ankle Osteoarthritis

If the desired improvement is not achieved with the therapy components, or if the ankle osteoarthritis is advanced and joint fusion has already occurred, surgery cannot be avoided. There are three options for surgical intervention:

  • An arthroscopy, which is minimally invasive and involves removing the joint lining and bone spurs (only possible in the early stages).
  • A fusion of the ankle joint where the cartilage is completely removed and the bones are connected with screws or plates so that they grow together. This does limit mobility, but it is recommended for patients whose ankle joints are subjected to high stress.
  • Insertion of an artificial ankle joint. Here, the joint and diseased cartilage are removed and replaced with a prosthesis and a metal implant. This preserves mobility and spares the neighboring joints.

The earlier treatment begins, the higher the chances of success and the more likely surgery can be avoided. If symptoms suggestive of ankle osteoarthritis arise in Düsseldorf, it is advisable not to wait and to have a specialist determine as soon as possible whether ankle osteoarthritis is present.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

No, osteoarthritis is a progressive degenerative disease and is not completely curable at present. However, there are many treatment options that can alleviate symptoms and slow the progression of the disease.
Yes, in cases of advanced osteoarthritis or when conservative treatment methods are not effective, surgery may be considered. A common method is arthrodesis (joint fusion) or the use of artificial joints.
Ankle joint osteoarthritis usually arises from long-term overuse, age-related wear and tear, or as a result of injuries and inflammation.
It is often recommended to avoid foods that can promote inflammation, such as red meat, refined sugar, processed foods, and certain types of fat.
Surgery is usually considered when conservative treatments such as physical therapy, pain medications, and lifestyle changes are no longer sufficient to relieve pain and maintain joint function.
An orthopedist can diagnose the condition and initiate appropriate treatment, which may include physical therapy, pain medications, injections, or surgical interventions.
Overloading the affected joint, lack of exercise, poor diet, and excess body weight can worsen osteoarthritis.
In addition to medical treatments, it is helpful to maintain a healthy lifestyle, perform exercises to strengthen the muscles around the joint, and avoid overloading the joint.
Pain from ankle joint osteoarthritis typically occurs in the area of the affected joint, around the ankle and foot, and can worsen with walking or standing.
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